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My Work

Hey there! Welcome to my amazing Project Page, where you can embark on an exciting journey through my writing. My past projects have left readers spellbound with their unique and captivating stories. And guess what? I'm thrilled share my latest work with you, which features fresh narratives and intriguing characters. But that's not all! My future projects promise even more adventures and innovative storytelling. So, stay connected and join me on this incredible literary journey!

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Codename Black Cowboy

Get ready to saddle up and ride into the modern world with our upcoming book inspired by Beyonce's "Cowboy Carter". Follow the journey of a black cowboy as he navigates through the challenges of today's technological society.


Status: In Development 


Codename Unraveled II

In this sequel to Unraveled, we will follow the main character's journey 15 years after the events in the book. Join us as we explore the twists and turns of their life and see where their journey takes them next. With new challenges and unexpected surprises, this sequel promises to be just as thrilling as the first. 


Status: Preliminary Development 

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"Unraveled" is a cinematic journey crafted by D. A. Peevy, Jr. It tells the story of Zavion Drake Felton, a celebrated NFL quarterback, as he navigates life beyond the football field in New Orleans. Through personal turmoil and public scrutiny, Zavion's journey towards understanding and redemption explores the essence of identity and the struggle for authenticity in a world that constantly tries to shape us.


Status: Now Availabale


Wattpad Projects

Between 2013 and 2023, I dedicated myself to honing my craft and developing my ideas. The result was a collection of projects that have been read by people from all over the world. I am proud of the tales I have created and look forward to sharing them with even readers in the future.

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